What Being a Mom Has Taught Me
Motherhood is a wild ride. Extreme highs with extreme lows and everything in between. Some days I feel like I’m an awesome mom, some days I literally feel like the worst mom on the planet. Being a mom is the hardest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done, and I have learned SO MUCH. So here are my top four things that I’ve learned since having my kiddos.
1. You have to let some things go, or you will go insane. Literally.
I remember learning this lesson the best when my oldest was about a year old. We had a TV stand with no doors so all of our stacks of DVD’s were totally accessible to that little busy body. He would knock ALL the stacks down, I would get frustrated and fix it, and repeat. All day. What a fun game. I finally realized that I was going to go crazy, so I stopped fixing it. And guess what? It was ok. Did we have a mess of DVD’s on the floor? Yep. Did it still bug me a little? You betcha. But it was definitely worth it to let it go. That may seem like a silly example, but that experience has paved the road for other things I’ve had to let go which were a lot harder to deal with. You definitely have to pick your battles when you’re a mom. And you have to learn how to just let some things go and not let them bother you.
2. Patience is a multi-tiered skill. And a talent. And an impossible feat.
Okay, okay, it’s not really an impossible feat. It definitely feels like that some days though. I keep thinking that I’ve REALLY learned patience now, wow, I’m sooo super patient. And then one of my kids will start doing something new or different. And then I have to relearn patience on a whole new level. If you’re a naturally patient person, I worship at your feet. I totally wish I was more advanced in this skill.
3. Making one mistake doesn’t undo all the good you’ve done.
Ooooh, this is such a good one AND a tough one to remember. There have been so many times where my kids are going through a behavioral problem and I’m super super patient all day or even all week . . . and then I’ll just lose it. My tendency is to think, “Well, there’s all my hard work down the drain.” But as my husband constantly has to remind me, that totally isn’t true!!! EVERY effort you make counts. EVERY time you strive to do better and be better, it counts. Celebrate your victories, forgive your mishaps. It happens.
4. Last but definitely not least, being a mom has taught me how to love.
The love I have for my kids is so deep. Even when they’re driving me bonkers and I just want to be alone I still love them. Even if they do something that just makes me so mad, I still love them. It kind of doesn’t make sense in a way. All I know is I would be willing to do anything for them. Anything.
PC: Sami Jo Photo
Those are my major four! What have you learned from being a mom/grandma/aunt/babysitter?