Talon's Senior Session
This senior session was sooo fun. The combination of Talon trying to do what I say, his mom telling him not to look so awkward, and their funny banter just made me laugh the whole time.
I have to admit, I was a little more nervous for this session than I usually am (I still get nervous for every session you guys). I have never done a senior guy session before so I was a little worried that I would run out of ideas. With my girl seniors I do a lot of playing with their hair, which just isn’t possible with a guy. And honestly would look a little weird even if it was possible. But I was happy with the results! And I didn’t run out of ideas, so win-win.
I just have to share some of what Talon said in his questionnaire because it was hilarious. I read it in the middle of the night when my husband was already sleeping and I had the hardest time holding it in so I wouldn’t wake him up.
· Tell me about yourself. What are your hobbies? What is one fun fact about you?
I really enjoy skiing and playing piano. A fun fact is that I’m pretty much the best skier in the world.
Do you do any school extra-curricular activities?
I am not in any extra-curricular activities right now. I ski.
What are you passionate about?
I am VERY passionate about skiing. Kind of obsessed not gonna lie.
What are your post high school plans? If college, what college are you going to attend?
Going to Mesa Community College for a year until I get residency in Arizona and then I will go to ASU. Also skiing AMAP
Tell me about your style! Where are your favorite places to shop?
Boring. I wear tan pants on a five day cycle and whatever shirt is in my drawer. I shop wherever my mom feels like going. I definitely enjoy shopping in the ski shop. Usually wherever there’s a sale.
What kind of session do you want? Is there anything special you would like to do?
A good one. No specific desires. Your probably going to have to come to AZ with us next weekend to get an action shot of me skiing.
Would you prefer more city or natural setting for your senior portraits?
Probably a more natural setting because I don’t like to be around people when I take pictures and skiing occurs in nature.
Do you have anything else you would like to share with me?
Nope; I don’t think I’ve mentioned this yet but I think it may help, I very much enjoy skiing.