My Travel Bucketlist
I LOVE to travel! It’s so fun to be able to see new places and experience new foods and cultures. I haven’t done a ton of out-of-country traveling (YET), but after our Europe trip last March I DEFINITELY have the travel bug now. In fact, my friend was posting on Instagram some pictures from her recent trip to London and it made me want to go somewhere out of the country SO BAD. I told Weston about it, totally not thinking anything would happen, and the next thing I know we have a trip booked to GREECE! Seriously can’t wait!
I’ve been meaning to actually write down my ultimate bucket list of places I want to go, so I thought it would be fun to share that with you guys today!
1. New Zealand
My husband has been wanting to go here forever, and he’s gotten me super excited about it! Hopefully this will be our next big trip after Greece.
2. Southern Italy
We visited Northern Italy last year, now I want to experience the South! Italy is just a magical place, and I kind of want to move there someday. Will it actually happen? I have no idea.
3. French Countryside
All I’ve seen of France is Paris and the Versailles Palace. I would love to explore more of the countryside!
4. Germany
This one doesn’t need an explanation. Any and all of Germany! Ha ha
5. Ireland
Ireland was one of the places I’ve wanted to go since I was a little girl!
6. Prague
I don’t know a lot about Prague, but it looks like a neat place to visit. And my friend who served her mission here for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints says it’s so pretty!
7. Switzerland
I’ve said this in another post, but I really want to walk across the Charles Kuonen Suspension Bridge. I’ll probably be terrified, but I still want to do it soooo bad!
8. China
We almost went here instead of Greece, but ultimately couldn’t pass up those lovely beaches. I’d definitely want to do China with a group tour though.
9. Nova Scotia
I have a thing for brightly colored houses, and Nova Scotia has that! It looks like the prettiest little town right on the water.
PC: Tourism Nova Scotia
10. Seoul
Ok, now don’t judge me, but I put this on my list after watching Crazy Rich Asians. I said don’t judge! Ha ha
11. Gdansk, Poland
I have a friend who served her mission here for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints and she says it’s so pretty!
I’m sure more and more place will be added to this list, but this is it for now! What places have you always wanted to travel to?