10 Things You Didn't Know About Me

Warning: If you’ve been following my posts and stories pretty closely then there’s a chance you may have seen some of these before. Alright, let’s do this!

Woman in white dress posing by green plants at Osuna Nursery, Albuquerque

I play the violin. For the past year I’ve also started playing in a local orchestra called the Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra. It’s been so fun! Symphonic playing and quartet playing is what I miss most from my high school and college music days. The solo stuff is fun to play, but not so fun to perform. For me, anyways.

I don’t enjoy cooking, but I enjoy eating so I do it anyways. It’s funny thinking about my cooking skills when I first got married. They definitely weren’t bad, but I cooked pretty simple meals and not always the healthiest. I’ve definitely learned a lot, and thanks to Pinterest and Mel’s Kitchen Cafe (anyone else a fan of her blog?) I have some awesome favorites.

I enjoy baking. For the most part. Ever watched the Great British Baking Show? It’s one of my favorites of all time. Yeah, I don’t do that type of baking. I keep it pretty simple. When it’s my kids birthday I’ll even attempt to decorate a cake. They’re definitely NOT the best, but I’m still somehow super proud. Ha!

Black Star Wars Cake with character candles
PJ Masks birthday cake

I almost changed my major in college to social work. Yep! It’s crazy for me to think about now. Luckily I had an awesome professor who recommended trying out a class before I changed my whole course load. And my Mom knew someone that was a social worker that agreed to talk to me about it. Yeah, turns out social work was not for me. Oh, and you want to know something funny? When I was about to sign up for all the prerequisites for a social work degree I was super sad because I didn’t have time in my schedule for Music Theory. I know I know, I’m a nerd.

I LOVE to read. And I’m the type of reader that when I really get into a book, I can totally ignore the world around me. This doesn’t always compute with having kids.

Self-portrait of woman sitting in armchair reading a book

Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to go to Europe. I remember being like seven years old and thinking about traveling to Italy. The places have changed, but for awhile now Europe has been the ultimate destination for me. In March last year it finally happened, and it was seriously the best trip EVER. We hit Zaragoza and Barcelona in Spain; Rome, Florence, and Venice in Italy; and then Paris and Varseilles in France. I already want to go back, and there are more places being added to my list all the time. It’s going to happen people! I don’t know when, but I’m determined it will.

I love The Office and Parks and Rec. My husband and I re-watch these regularly. But I usually can’t watch them by myself, it’s just not as funny without Weston somehow! I have no idea why.

For some reason I don’t really like the color red. I don’t wear a lot of read, and you won’t see a lot of red in my house (besides a current couch and loveseat that were free fitty free, see below). Red with something or as part of a pattern isn’t bad. I guess even then I’m thinking of a toned down or rusty red though. The only exception I can think of is a red dress. There’s just something about a red dress that’s so cute and fun.

Dad, sons, and grandparents sitting in front of fireplace chatting

I have lived in both Utah and Albuquerque and have still never gone skiing. Crazy right? I’ll have to try it one of these days.

I’m turning 30 this year! Today, actually! Ha ha. Now logically, I know that’s not old. But I remember as a kid hearing 30 and thinking “Wow, that’s old.” So now when I hear myself turning 30, I can’t help but think, “Wow, that’s old.”

Well, that’s all for today! Have a great day and thanks for reading!

Kristina Graff