Noemi and Gio

Noemi is freaking awesome. It was all her idea to do her session downtown with some colorful murals, and to wear black and white to contrast the bright colors. Genius! I explored before our session, found some cool murals, and even found this awesome bright red door (I have a thing for red doors, so bet you can guess what color our front door is!). After our session ended, I totally felt like we were friends. It was really fun to walk around downtown Albuquerque, find some awesome spots to do their photos, and just chat and get to know each other. Luckily, she works with my husband so I get to see her occasionally. And I have to say that her son was a really good sport about getting pictures done, which I’m sure is not how he would’ve liked to spend his evening.

Noemi told me from the beginning that she doesn’t like to get photos done. So she hadn’t gotten any photos of her and her son for awhile. That obviously worked to my advantage, and I was really happy when she told me she actually had fun during our session! I love it when I can win someone over and they don’t feel tortured getting pictures done. Towards the end of our session she just started goofing off with her son, and I just loved it. Noemi is so much fun! I feel so privileged when I can tell people feel comfortable enough around me and my camera to be themselves.