What I'm Working On: February
Happy Wednesday! I’m sharing more of my work from February today! One of my goals for this year was to shoot more, but part of that goal was also to get in front of the camera more as well. So this month I did a lot more self-portraiture. I was looking through my photos and deciding which to post, and I felt almost silly or prideful posting more pictures of myself. But one thing I’ve realized is that photography is not only a fun hobby, it’s my way of documenting my life. I am not a journal writer (I have tried so many times it’s not even funny), I don’t take a lot of videos, and I’m definitely NOT a scrapbooker. So I realized that I have a TON of pictures of my kids playing together, going places together, eating together, you name it I have it. And then I also have a TON of pictures of my husband with the kids, playing, walking, exploring, napping (ha ha). I really don’t have a ton of pictures of me with my kids or me with my husband because I’m usually the one taking pictures. It’s just crazy that I spend so much time with them but have the least amount of pictures with them. Weston has definitely made more of an effort the past couple of years to shoot pictures of me and the kids more, but it’s still not as many. So while some of these pictures may seem silly or pointless to take a picture of, I wanted to document parts of my life now that I would usually think aren’t worth documenting. I’m sure when I’m old and gray I’m going to look back on that picture of me surrounded by little kid’s laundry and miss it.
Eh, let’s be honest I probably won’t miss the laundry.