Kristina Graff Photography

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Maya's Senior Photos in Old Town

I am SUPER lucky because I get to work with the youth in my church. I hang out the most with my group of 11-12 year old girls, but I love to hang out with the older girls too! When Maya moved into our ward she just seemed super upbeat and positive all the time, and I loved that. She also started working at the gym that I go to, so I would see her all the time and get to chat with her for a little bit while I dropped my kids off for her to watch in childcare (she doesn’t hate me so my kids must not be too bad, ha!). I was chatting with her one day and I just randomly thought “It would be so fun to do a session with her.” So I asked her if she needed some senior photos done, and here we are! Oh yeah!

I think one of my favorite things about taking someone’s portraits is getting to chat with them and get to know them better. I thought Maya worked in the childcare at my gym just because it was a good job, but I found out that she actually loves babysitting! She should come live at my house (totally just kidding, I love my kids).

Maya originally wanted to do her photos somewhere green. We’ve actually had more of a winter this year in Abq, so unfortunately nothing was green yet. So we eventually decided on doing them in Old Town.

Old Town is such a fun little part of Albuquerque. It’s adobe style buildings, lots of bright colors, and tons of little alleys and side streets. I hadn’t explored Old Town very much, so I was surprised at how big it was. We were able to get a LOT of variety in this session, and it was all spaced pretty close together. Because of this awesomeness, Maya and I got to play a game of “dodge the other photographers” as we walked around. Apparently Old Town is the place to be on a Saturday night in Albuquerque!