Kristina Graff Photography

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Madi and Ben's Mountaintop Sweetheart Session

When Madi mentioned to me that she wanted me to do a session for her and her husband I was soooo excited! She also mentioned that they wanted pictures of New Mexico before they moved, which made me NOT so excited. I’m so sad they’re moving, but I’m super glad I had this opportunity to spend time with them before they leave. It’s actually really exciting for them because her husband Ben got into law school at BYU in Utah, and she got into her business program at LDS Business College. Go Madi and Ben! So I’m super excited for them and what’s coming next, but I am sad they’re leaving. I totally should’ve been hanging out with Madi more often while she was here.

Originally, we wanted to go to Tent Rocks to do their session. Because of Tent Rock’s early closing time, we decided to go to the Sandi Crest instead. I think we ended up having to reschedule two or three times? The first time we had a funeral to go to and would be out of town, and the next time or two the weather wasn’t cooperating with us. It’s always tricky trying to schedule any sessions in Albuquerque during monsoon season, but we made it happen!

So funny story, I had told Madi and Ben I would cover their $3 parking pass up at the top, but then I forgot my wallet. They ended up having to park on the side of the road down towards the bottom of the pass where we were PRETTY sure they wouldn’t get a ticket, and they hopped in my car. Luckily, my husband was with me, so he drove around for awhile and also parked farther down the road so we wouldn’t get ticketed either. Thankfully we got away with it and no one got ticketed. But that’s the last time I’m ever forgetting my wallet on a shoot!

I had so much fun hanging out with this freaking cute couple. Good luck to Madi and Ben on their next adventure! We will definitely miss them.