Horton Family Photos at Tamaya Resort

Well, life happened and before I knew it I hadn’t blogged any sessions since AUGUST. So I’m playing catch up and getting all these beautiful sessions up.

I think I may say this about every family, but I was seriously so excited when Eryn asked me to take her photos. I know her pretty well from working with her in our church, and I knew her and her family would be so fun to spend time with. Eryn is so much fun to talk to and always makes me laugh. She is definitely passing that on to her family, because they are all hilarious.

We were trying to figure out a place to do photos that would be more green and look less like the Albuquerque desert. Eryn finally suggested the area behind the Hyatt Tamaya Resort, and I was excited to do a session at a new place. I had explored this area with my family before, but hadn’t ever done any sessions there.

The day of their session was a little cloudy, but we decided to risk it anyway. In Albuquerque it didn’t look too bad and I was pretty hopeful things would work out. But when we got out to Santa Fe the sky was a super dark gray, it was super windy, and there was a ton of lightning. So we decided not to risk it. The next time we went out there our luck was much better.

One of my favorite photos I’ve ever taken happened at their session. To others it may not make sense why I love it so much, but I tend to love the photos of in-between moments. Unposed, different expressions, movement, it all just speaks to me. Those moments are just full of life to me and make me so happy when I’ve captured something like that.