Anderson Family Session in Gorgeous Sandia Mountain Field

The Anderson family! As soon as Brittany first talked to me about taking some family pictures for them, I immediately started having ideas pop into my head and I was really excited to take photos of this fun family. If I had one word to describe the Anderson boys it would be ENERGY. I knew from the get-go that her kids would bring that fun energy to the shoot, and we were totally going to embrace that. So for this family we did a LOT of moving and running prompts, which was definitely a good thing for those kiddos. Thankfully Brittany and Stew were willing to run around and be crazy too, although they are cross-fitters so I’m sure it was nothing to them.

We decided to do pictures up at “my meadow” (I’m really the only one who calls it that) in the Sandia mountains. I have loved this little green meadow, and it has made my heart happy many times when my family and I have gone up to explore trails on Sundays during the summer. As much as I love this meadow though, I have had some super bad luck taking pictures here! This was my third time attempting pictures in this meadow, and just like every other time it was cloudy. Definitely could’ve been worse, but I would’ve loved to get some back lit pictures.

This family is freaking awesome. My kids have played with Brittany’s two youngest since they both happen to be the same age (love when that happens!), and I also work with Brittany’s oldest daughter in my church, and she is awesome! Stew has probably been my most enthusiastic dad while taking photos, which of course I LOVE. And Brittany is just so fun to be around, and she’s so busy but always willing to help anyone out.  I just love this family!

Kristina Graff