Christensen Family Photos at Hartnett Park

Ok, let me tell you a little secret: I kind of love crazy moments during a session. And this totally speaks to my style and what I try to capture, but those crazy moments are where personalities shine. And if there’s one kid in particular that brings the crazy? Totally ok. 

Nichole was a little nervous because she thought her youngest would be too energetic for photos, but he was awesome and I loved the energy he brought to the shoot. I absolutely love it when kids feel comfortable to be themselves in front of the camera, and I’ll take energetic over fake smiles any day!

 During their session there was this sweet moment that I felt so privileged to capture. While mom and dad were swinging their youngest between them, he landed funny on his foot and started crying. Instantly the whole family was around him. The older boys came over from where they had been having a break to see what was wrong, and everyone was in this little group hugging him and patting him on the back to make sure he was ok. It was seriously so sweet, and I was so impressed with the older boys for being so sensitive and kind with their younger brother. Those images are definitely my favorite from this session.

 This was my first time shooting at Harnett Park and it was the perfect spot, especially since Nichole wanted some green in her photos (a girl after my own heart!). Since we were doing their session at the beginning of November when just about everything in Albuquerque is either yellow or dead, I’m glad we were able to find a spot that still was a little green. Parks for the win! I loved how their photos turned out. Here are some of them from their session.