What I'm Working On: March

My life in pictures.

Here’s what I realized this month:

Shooting more has helped me be more excited and creative when it comes to angles. Usually when I photograph my boys birthdays and opening presents I stay in one spot and point and shoot. Without even consciously thinking about it, for Carson’s birthday I was getting high and low, in front of him and behind him, focusing on his face and his hands. I’m starting to think more outside the box and try new things without always consciously realizing I’m doing it! This makes me really excited for my growth as a photographer.

Here’s what I want to remember:

The excitement of my boys when exploring new paths.

Emmett’s hand in mine.

Running down hills with our hands in the air like it’s a roller coaster.

Emmett’s super focus to color lego Emmit.

His little body dwarfed by the table (still).

Life is full of possibilities and opportunities.

My little boy turning seven. (SEVEN?!!)

Spring and the blooming of my favorite trees.

Life is sweet.