My Major 5

I thought it might be fun for me to share what my 5 biggest goals are as a way to get to know me a little better. These probably won’t be anything super exciting or amazing, but hopefully knowing these can help us connect.

Poster image for major goals at Kristina Graff Photography

1. Be an Awesome Mom

I have to admit that I felt like a totally boring human being when this was the first goal that popped into my mind. But it’s totally true! Motherhood has already been a wild ride, and I’ve only been a mom for 7 years. There are so many skills I’ve had to learn and relearn (like patience, and patience, oh! and patience). But I don’t want my kids to look back on their childhood and just remember me being stressed to get things done or irritated at something they’ve done that really isn’t a big deal. It’s an everyday struggle people! I am totally a rule follower, so it just drives me bonkers when my kids don’t follow the rules. Ha ha! I am also constantly having to learn and relearn to let things go.

Mom walking with two sons in green mountain field in Sandia Mountains, Albuquerque

2. Travel A LOT

I don’t want to be one of those people that gets so stuck in their ways that they don’t enjoy going anywhere. I think a really good way to change it up and make yourself roll with the punches is to travel! And it’s freakin fun and you get to see places and experience things you never would’ve had the opportunity for. It’s good to switch things up too. As Tony from p90X would say: Variety. Is. The. Spice. Of. Life. I absolutely HATED the plane ride to Europe. In fact, I totally wanted to splurge and upgrade our seats so that we could actually stretch out and sleep. But was it worth being crammed into a tiny space and getting practically no sleep and eating crappy meals? Oh heck yes! I want to see and experience the world. And I want to be able to have my kids experience the world as well.  When they’re older and can handle long plane rides.

Dad and sons wading in ocean at beach

3. Constantly Learn and Grow as an Artist

If you’ve read my other posts, I’ve mentioned that I play the violin and am an amateur calligrapher. I’ve had so much fun learning more and more about those and photography as well. There are so many things I still don’t know, and so much more practicing I can do to gain skills. I want to be successful at growing, even if my skill doesn’t compare to others around me.

Two boys playing in the snow in their backyard

4. Remember the Important Things in Life

One thing I’ve learned about myself is that I like to get things done and feel like I’ve accomplished a lot in a short amount of time. While this can be a good skill, sometimes I’m so focused on checking off things on my to-do list that I forget to slow down and enjoy things. The most important things in my life are my family and my religion. I want to be there for my family, and I want to be a good follower of Christ. Those are so much more important than making sure my floors are swept and mopped, ha!

Family of four posing in field with yellow wildflowers in Sandia Mountains, Albuquerque

5. Run A Race? Maybe?

I’m NOT a runner. The most I ever run is a 5k because I know I can go that far. But for some reason, I’ve gotten it in my mind that running a half marathon would be super cool. Or maybe even just a 10k? I don’t know, we’ll see if that happens or not, but it would be cool to say I had done it. I think.

What are some of your biggest goals? I would love to know!

About MeKristina Graff