Gibbons Family Photos at Alameda Open Space

Whew, this session was a fast one! Crystal called me on a Tuesday asking if I would have availibility for that night. We both had a lot to work out to make it happen, but we totally made it happen! We were even both late (I didn’t account for traffic, and she had seven outfits to put together in a couple hours) and still had enough time to get enough photos.

This session was soooo fun. Crystal and her family are awesome people, and it was so fun to meet them and see them interact with each other. I was so impressed with everyone in their family, but especially their older girls. They were so sweet with their younger brothers, and just seemed to love to play and hang out together.

The Gibbons made my job SUPER easy. They followed my prompts really well, and put their own spin on them. They were so natural in front of the camera so I got a lot of images of them just playing around and being themselves. I love that feeling when I can tell a family is super comfortable with me and my camera. It just creates magic.

I was so in awe of Crystal and her awesome mom skills. I could tell from the way her kids acted and the fact that she expertly handled five kids that she must be a pretty awesome mom. So at the end of our session I just had to ask her how she did it all when sometimes i feel like I can barely handle two. She told me the secret is to lower your expectations. Ha! I loved this and have tried to practice this, especially since we have a third baby on the way. Expectations will definitely have to be lowered for the next little while. Here’s some photos from their session!