Candelaria Family

This session is very special to me. When I was first contemplating launching a photography business, I offered deeply discounted sessions to people at my husband’s work. I figured this way I could expand my portfolio, and also get more clients quickly so that I could make sure I wanted to do this. Cisca was the first person to book me and I was so excited, but also slightly terrified. I had taken family pictures for multiple people before, but they were always families I knew and were friends with and felt pretty comfortable around. I had never met Cisca or her family before so I was REALLY nervous. I got to our spot early to get my camera settings right and to remind myself of prompts I was going to use (which tend to fly out of my head when I start shooting). We had decided to take photos on this really cool bridge that wasn’t used, so when I saw a family get out of their car I just assumed it was them. I walked up all friendly, introduced myself and said, “You must be Juan.” Turns out it wasn’t them. Whoops! Thankfully the next family to get out of their car WAS them, and we just had the best time. Cisca’s husband Juan also wanted some picture with his motorcycle, so it gave me the opportunity to do something completely different from what I had done in the past. Love this family, and love how their photos turned out! Oh, and these guys are seriously pros when it comes to tickle fights.