A Photographer's Take on Family Photos

Family photos. What do those two words mean to you? Perfect clothing, hair, and makeup? Stressing about the kids not behaving or smiling the right way? Trying to get your husband on board (ha ha)? Worried about everything looking SO GOOD? I know, I’ve totally been there! In fact, just this last weekend we did a mini session with another photographer here in town and I had to coach my boys on how to smile the right way (they are EXTREMELY fond and good at making weird faces). While family photos can be all of those things, I really try in my sessions to not make them that way.

Cover page for blog post on taking family photos

In my (humble) opinion, I don’t think family photos should be perfect and flawless. I think family photos should reflect your life and your family. There are very few families I know of (ok, not ANY!) that have the perfect life. I love to find the beauty of those everyday moments that we just take for granted. Don’t know what I mean? I’ll give you an example.

Mom helping daughter with shoe with sun behind them

Mom helping daughter with shoe with sun behind them


Here’s another example. Now, technically speaking, this is not my favorite picture. The angle isn’t the most flattering or interesting, the lighting is not the best, the little girl’s arm is cut off at a joint, etc. But again, here’s another moment of everyday life that doesn’t usually get captured. When you’re little, mom’s hugs have magical powers! Ha!


This mom probably thought I was so weird for taking pictures of her helping her daughter get rocks out of her shoe. I wanted to capture this moment for a couple different reasons. One is that this is a part of her everyday life! Ok, maybe not everyday, but how many times do you think she’s helped one of her kids with their shoes, kneeling down on the ground to get to their level? I’m betting it’s a TON. I just love that little selfless act of helping her daughter with something seemingly mundane. I also love how both of them just gathered around her while she was doing this. Just from their closeness you can tell that they are comfortable with each other, how trusting they are of their mom, and how much those little girls are loved. That’s what this picture means to me. (I also loved that yummy warm light falling on them. Just saying.)

Mom comforting crying daughter

Here are some more of my favorites. They definitely aren’t perfect, not everyone is looking at the camera or in the best spot, but those are the ones that speak to me. Life is messy! Family photos should be about celebrating our family and all the messiness that comes with it. P.S.-If you made it all the way to the end of this post you are the best ever and we should be friends.

Family sitting in yellow field and Mom is laughing at son
Boy reaching hand towards mom on Route 66 Bridge, Albuquerque
Siblings tickling and playing in sun-drenched yellow field
Close-up of parents tickling their daughters
Family with teenagers posing in group hug in yellow field
Dad hugging son at UNM campus, Albuquerque
Aunt and two nephews posing on rocks in Albuquerque
Kristina Graff