10 Images of Little Details That Will Make You Want to Slow Down

Why Details?

If you’ve been around for awhile, you’ll know I LOVE getting in close and getting those little details. These shots often end up being my favorites from the whole shoot. Before this last year, if you would’ve asked me why, I probably would’ve answered with some vague reiteration of how I just love details so much! But thanks to some marketing classes and other photographers, I have really been delving into my why lately; why I love photography, why I’m drawn to the things I’m drawn to. Here’s what I’ve come up with: the little things are important. Life moves incredibly fast, and if you have kids you know they grow up incredibly fast as well. Each stage you go through with your kids may feel like so long, but they really are fleeting. And here’s the thing—they’re all worth documenting. Even the hard ones. Each stage has so many little things that are easily forgotten, and I want to capture the story of love in THIS moment. It’s all worth remembering, but it’s also too much to remember. This I why I love photography so much—these little things that often pass under the radar can become the focus, they can become the whole reason to press that shutter.

My Reminder to Slow Down

I think another reason why I’m so drawn to the details of your family is because I’m not so good at noticing the little things with my own family, which is really unfortunate. But like any other parent, I get caught up in the to-dos of the day, where I need to get kids, what chores and homework needs to get done, breaking up fights, and so on. My head is constantly filled with things I either need to do or remember, and sometimes I forget to slow down and appreciate the little things about the stage of life I’m in right now. Photography has been a gift that reminds me to slow down and appreciate the things right in front of me.

So here are some of my favorite detail images! It was really hard for me to narrow this list to 10, like REALLY hard. Ha!

Kristina Graff