Kristina Graff Photography

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Want to know what it’s like to work with me?

If you’ve wanted to get family pictures done for awhile, but you keep getting caught up by all the details then this post is for you! I’m going to go over what happens before, during, and after your session and hopefully answer allll your questions about what it’s like to work with me. So keep scrolling! (P.S.-If you need the quick and dirty, scroll to the bottom for the recap!)

Before you book

I want to do my best with every single client. That doesn’t just come passively, at least not to me! So even if I don’t have any sessions coming up, I’m constantly shooting and practicing so that I can continue to get better and develop new skills. I’m also ALWAYS keeping my eye out for a new location to add to my arsenal. I’ll often drive out to a place just to see if it would work, and for what type of session it would work best. This includes driving time, walking around, and shooting some practice shots. I like to explore and find new places within a location so that each session feels a little different, even if they’re in the same location.

When you first contact me

From the first time someone contacts me, I’m trying to make the experience the best it can be. I try to keep things simple and easy for you when we’re planning for the session. This means I try as hard as I can to be available whenever you are! I also like to find out what exactly you’re looking for; what type of location, what you personally enjoy, and any little things that you want to remember that I can capture for you. I’ve found the easiest way to find all this out is to send a little survey. It won’t take long to fill out, and the more specific you are and the more details you give me will help make your session more catered to you. With that survey I also have a little welcome pack which has FAQ’s, outfit inspiration, and locations with examples so you can easily get a visual of each spot. Once we decide on a day and location I’ll give you an estimate on time if the shoot is farther out, or a definite time if the session is a week or two away.

Also, those pesky outfits? I give you LOTS of tips and ideas. And I’ll check in with you before our session to make sure everything is going to look great and answer any questions you have. Sometimes all you need is another person to bounce ideas off of!

During the session

My favorite favorite shots of anyone (including myself) are always the ones that are candid, or look like you’re just caught in a moment. I will always include a good couple of images where everyone’s smiling at the camera, but once those are out of the way, that’s when the FUN starts. I will have lots of prompts, games, and questions to ask you to get you comfortable and looking your best in front of the camera. I CANNOT tell you how many times I’ve heard “I’m just so awkward in front of the camera.” I totally get it. I can feel that way too! But guess what? I’ve got a big secret to tell you . . . you ready for this? It might be mind-blowing . . . I really think everyone can be photogenic. The secret sauce is just feeling comfortable. That’s when the magic happens. And guess what? I’ll get you there. I’ll give you prompts and tell you what to do, but then I’ll also stand back and see what you do with the prompt. I won’t leave you hanging or tell you to “just act natural” (because who can act natural in front of the camera?), but I won’t be in your face adjusting every little tilt of the head or hand position. That’s the beauty of prompts! Everyone is a little different, and with prompts you can see personality instead of poses. Really I just love to hang out with new people and get to take pictures at the same time. It’s awesomesauce.

You literally have nothing to worry about. Just get yourself and your family or your partner to the shoot, and I will take it from there. I’ll tell you what to do, and I’ll make it fun! Promise! I’ve had lots of families, teens, dads, and kids tell me they had fun. (If you need more evidence, read my google reviews here!) Oh, and if you’re worried about kids misbehaving, totally don’t. I have three boys, I can totally handle it.

After a Session

The hard part for you is done, whew! I’ll send you a preview of about 2-3 photos that night or the next day to tide you over until the rest are done (anyone else die while waiting for photos?). Over the next 1-2 weeks I’ll go through your photos, pick the keepers, edit them, and then send you the egallery so you can do whatever you want with them. Sounds pretty simple, but just know that I’m working super hard to go through each photo and make it the best it can be.

Alright, time for the recap!

  1. I’m constantly working to grow my craft and add locations to my arsenal, which totally works in your favor.

  2. I keep things simple and fun! No stiff posing, think more fun and games.

  3. I give you all the tips and help you need to pull off incredible outfits.

  4. The end results are YOU! Not just a pretty picture of you (although it is that too).

That’s it you guys! Now you know alllll the gritty details on working with me. And if you still have questions, contact me and I would love to answer them. Can’t wait!