Kristina Graff Photography

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Photographers That Inspire Me

The nice thing about internet and social media is finding other photographer’s work that I love and that inspires me. That’s also the bad thing sometimes since I tend to play the comparison game, but that’s a discussion for another day. Today I’m sharing my favorite photographers and why their work inspires me!

  1. Sami Jo Photography

The first photographer that I really followed their work consistently was Sami Jo Photography. She was the photographer at one of my husband’s friend’s wedding, and I just LOVED the bridals and wedding day portraits. Her work stood out to me because it was full of life. When I first started following her, I think the main trend with photography was still the very posed and smiling at the camera type of style. Her portraits all looked so natural and like they were just caught in a moment, and I loved that! I was able to get some family portraits done with her two summers ago, and they are hands down my favorite pictures I’ve ever gotten taken. She captured our family so well, and our session was really fun. I think that comes across with the final result. Like I’ve said before, I post these pictures EVERYWHERE so I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of them. See more of her work below!

2. Bethany Sams Photography

Another photographer that I love is Bethany Sams. She has a way of capturing emotion and connection between people, especially families. I found her work through Clickin Moms when I bought a mini course that she taught. I especially love the way she captures her newborn sessions-I personally am not a big fan of the posed newborn shots, and she gets the most natural and sweet photos of families with their new babies. With her work I get the same feeling, almost like if the camera wasn’t there the family would still be doing that same thing.

I feel like both of these photographers find beauty and joy in the mess of life, and that is what I’m striving to show in my photography as well. Things don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful, and usually it’s those imperfect moments that I love the most.