Kristina Graff Photography

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Location, Location, Location

Today I’m sharing how a location that might not look the best can really be awesome for photos! I was inspired by an impromptu photo shoot I did with my boys in my ugly, overgrown, badly needs weeding front yard (you’ll get to see this eye candy in a minute).

Anyone looking at my front yard would NOT think of this area to take any photos in. Don’t believe me? Just look below:

You see that stuff that looks like grass? Yeah, that’s weeds. There’s also a plethora of dead branches, overgrown shrubbery, and general unkeptness about it (making up words over here). No one, I repeat NO ONE would look at my front yard and think, “I bet some pictures of my kids in their weeds and yuckiness would look fantastic!”

Here’s what I thought: Those weeds are really long, they would look really nice surrounding my boys. They’re also nice and green (we know how to grow healthy weeds over here), which will look really pretty. The sun is right behind them so I’ll be able to get some pretty backlighting.

So I got Emmett to come out with me. Totally had a dirty face, but I didn’t care! Ha ha, some of the pictures I did edit it out thought because it was distracting. But in some of them I wanted to remember his cute little dirty face so I kept it in. Then I enticed (begged) Carson to come out and got a couple with him as well.

Want to see the result? Keep scrolling!

So as you can see, sometimes areas can be deceiving! It’s defintely a skill to be able to look at an area and be able to imagine how it will come across in camera. I’m still developing my eye for finding good places, but I’m definitely getting better.

So if your photographer brings you to a weird place that you would never think to do photos, just trust them! ;)