Kristina Graff Photography

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Hatch Family Session in Los Ranchos

The Hatch family! Alison is a fellow photographer here in Albuquerque so I felt so special when she wanted me to do her family session. She has totally been like a mentor to me since I started my business. She has been willing to answer any questions I have and to help out with the hard business stuff. She really embodies the community over competition ideal, and she is just freaking awesome.

Originally she wanted to do photos up at the crest, which I thought was an awesome idea but I was also a little nervous about. Most of my prompts involve a lot of movement, which I would be SUPER nervous to use up there. It might’ve sent someone over the edge-literally! Thankfully Alison had the same concern and decided on this location in an area of Albuquerque called Los Ranchos. I had actually never been to this area of town. I had driven through it on the main roads, but the neighborhood here are gorgeous! Houses are more spread out, and a lot of houses have extra grounds for horses and . . . I don’t know what else. Big summer parties? Ha ha. Regardless, it was such a pretty area of town and I had so much fun hanging out there for a bit.

The Hatches are such a cute family. Super warm and inviting, and even though I could tell they weren’t jumping for joy at some of the things I asked them to do (especially the older kids), they still did it. When the three boys decided they were done, I actually didn’t mind. It gave me plenty of time to get some cute couple shots. I have to say, Alison’s laugh has got to be one of my favorites. Here are some of their photos.