Kristina Graff Photography

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Brooks Family Photos in the Sandia Foothills

Kathy is another friend that when she mentioned she wanted to schedule photos with me I secretly jumped up and down in excitement. Kathy knows so many people, and whoever knows her always says some version of “She’s so awesome.” She always has this upbeat energy about her, so you can’t help but be happy and energetic when you’re with her. And she’s got to have some top secret mom skills up her sleeve because her kids are so well behaved and all around amazing.

Deciding where to go was super easy since Kathy is so easygoing. We decided on another area I had explored with my family but hadn’t taken pictures at yet. It’s pretty similar to a couple other places since it’s in the foothills in Albuquerque, but it was nice to switch it up a bit and get a slightly different look. There were some big rocks to climb on, some flatter areas, and these bushes with bright yellow flowers. In fact, one of my favorite photos from this session is the photo of her boys climbing the rocks. I love the simple silhouette and movement in the picture.

I had checked out the spot earlier and used an app to see exactly where the sun would be and when, but it turned out that when we started the sun was still a little high in the sky. So they had to deal with a lot of me wiggling around to get the sun in the right place. But like I said, they’re awesome, so if it bothered them, I couldn’t tell.

I think the things I remember most from this session are two things. The first it when I got a picture of just the boys and they just went crazy which I absolutely loved. The other is the sweet moments I got between daughter and mom, and daughter and dad. Both such different feelings, but I absolutely loved both.