Memoirs of a Photographer (or, All About Me!)

A post about me! Ok, so be forewarned, I have never really loved talking (or writing) about myself. With friends and family, it’s no biggie. But putting it out there for everyone to see? That’s just not really my personality. So hopefully this post will still be fun to read.

PC: Alison Hatch PhotographyIgnore the slightly tortured look on my oldest’s face.

PC: Alison Hatch Photography

Ignore the slightly tortured look on my oldest’s face.

I grew up in West Valley, UT which seriously gets a bad rap. (If anyone is reading this from Utah, no I never heard gunshots or saw someone get shot. And yes, people have actually asked me this question. A couple times.) After graduating, I went to Snow College which is seriously the best school EVER. I met my husband on the second day of school! And no, it was not love at first sight. He and his roommate were our neighbors, and wanted an excuse to go and meet the apartment full of girls, so they came to my apartment to “borrow a sharpie.” The first time I saw him, he had this big goofy smile on his face and seemed way too excited to get that sharpie. I found out later that he was fresh off his mission for our church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Like FRESH. I’m talking about getting home on Saturday and moving to go to school that next Wednesday. So yeah, he WAS pretty excited, just not about the sharpie. We quickly became good friends, then started dating, and the rest is history!

PC: Pete Hansen Photography

PC: Pete Hansen Photography


It may surprise you, but I actually graduated with a degree in violin performance. I always liked photography, but it wasn’t on the radar until my oldest was born. It really started with me not having money to take some newborn photos, so I tried to take them myself. And then after that I would take his monthly photos to see how he had grown (totally didn’t happen with my second, ha!). I noticed that my camera . . . sucked. So I got a better one, learned how to shoot in manual, and then finally got a DSLR when my oldest was three (yay for tax returns!). Since then there have been times where I was really into photography, but I was also into and trying a lot of other things. I started painting furniture, doing DIY projects to decorate my house on a budget, went through a brief woodworking phase, tried to keep up on my violin, and in the last couple of years I’ve also gotten into brush calligraphy. It’s really only been within the last two years that I’ve really decided to work hard on my photography and learn more.

Baby looking backwards holding onto baby gate
Two kids look over bridge into water in San Diego

The image on the left is when I first started learning manual mode. The one above is from our trip to San Diego in October!

Alright, this post has been a little more serious than I intended, so here are some random facts about me:

-My roommate and I once made a peanut and jelly and ranch and lettuce sandwich. It was actually pretty good, but I haven’t had the desire to make on since then.

-I love to play the Wii Just Dance game.

-If you ever need a book recommendation, come talk to me. I’ve read A LOT of books.

-One of my fave characters from Harry Potter is Luna. I just love her goofiness, she’s so cute! Oh, and I’m a Hufflepuff (yes I know my house, don’t judge).

-There’s this really cool suspension bridge in Switzerland that I think would terrify me, but I still want to walk across it anyways. It’s called the Charles Kuonen Suspension Bridge and it looks AWESOME.

Well, that’s me! If you made it to the end of this post, you are a rockstar. Have an awesome day!

Couple posing in field with yellow wildflowers in Sandia Mountains, Albuquerque